
The official photo blog of J. David Buerk Photography.

Maryland Renaissance Faire 2013

This was my first time ever going to a Renn Faire; It was a lot of fun! It's too bad I went on the very last day of the Festival this year. The jousting served as my first test of the 1D X's abilities as a sports camera - even from my less-than-ideal spot as a spectator, the AF easily locked onto and tracked each knight as they barreled toward or away from me. Still ecstatic!  I hope to soon have a full write-up about my impressions of 1D X - we'll see what I decide to make out of it. I think since it was so close to Halloween that some people decided to just wear their Halloween costumes...  Some didn't really fit in...  Namely The Hulk, Captain America, and Darth Maul.  But I give them props, since many of them were well done.  My favorite was definitely the gun slinging priest - the man actually IS a gunsmith.


Here is proof positive that jousters have balls of titanium...