
The official photo blog of J. David Buerk Photography.

Katie's Cars and Coffee: March 8th, 2014

It's been several months since I've visited Katie's, and this seemed like a great weekend to visit for the first time in 2014.  Things got started off slowly, but more gearheads rode in as the weather slowly grew warmer.

I wanted to have some extra fun this time around, and it'd been a while since I've shot with my EOS converted Lubitel medium format lens.  All of these photos were shot with that lens; many of them freelensed.  I love the natural light leaks and flares.  This Porsche's colors in the rising sun just scream old film to me; my favorite mix of cool and warm tonalities.


This blog post has been republished by J. David Buerk onto Oppositelock.  For the full set of photos, view the album at his Facebook Page. All photography is by J. David Buerk, and is copyrighted All Rights Reserved.