Matt's plans to propose to Amber has been in the works for quite some time. Since Matt lives in DC, and Amber in Alabama, the two frequently travel to spend time with one another; proposing at the airport, where they have spent so much time in order to see each other, only seemed fitting. The inspiration came to Matt as an aircraft flew low overheard at work one day; Matt's plan began to take shape when he sent an email to Dulles Airport asking for help to surprise Amber at her arrival gate.
Thanks to some wonderful individuals at Dulles, a small team quickly formed, as everyone, myself included, was eager to help Matt blow Amber away. As Amber boarded her flight from Alabama, Matt was being escorted through Dulles' security and taken to the B Concourse AeroTrain station to get the surprise set up.
See the full photo set here, using the password provided by Matt and Amber.
As a boombox was set up blasting Matt and Amber's favorite Jason Aldean song, a small crowd of spectators began to gather to watch the upcoming proposal.
The plan was for Amber to come down the escalator and spot Matt at the base, before she turned to board the AeroTrain.
Dulles was specifically tracking Amber's flight. While she was in the air, Matt left her a text to be received when she touched down; he made her think he might even be late to pick her up... sneaky sneaky!
As time passed waiting for Amber's flight, Matt was interviewed, and left a personal message for Amber. The entire event was filmed from multiple angles, made stealthily possible thanks to iPhones and iPads.
The airport had individuals at Amber's gate tracking the flight, who were in constant communication with me. As I received updates, I relayed them to Matt. He was doing fine until I informed him that her flight's arrival was slightly delayed; that's when the butterflies fluttered...
...but those butterflies turned to anticipation when her flight was on the ground, and he received a text from her.
As soon as she exited the aircraft, several airport representatives began tailing Amber and relaying updates to my earpiece. The airport is a huge place, with many routes to take leading to the same location. Airport representatives tracked Amber's movements throughout the terminal, and indicated to me when I should cue Matt at the escalator.
We even had individuals standing by to divert her in the event she tried to take the elevator, or take the walkback tunnel. Luckily, none of those plans had to be pursued!
It was at this time that I received rapid updates - As Amber approached the escalator, I got my first momentary glimpse of her from my hiding spot in a stairwell.
After a few moments losing line of sight, she appeared as she descended the escalator. I motioned for Matt to come out from his hiding spot, and the plan unfolded...
...but Amber was too busy texting about how their Jason Aldean song "was randomly playing at the airport." She was so distracted, she almost walked right past Matt!
This next photo is something really special - it's the very last moment before Matt proposes to Amber. Matt's hand is in his pocket, pulling out the ring. She is so caught up with Matt, she doesn't realize she is on camera.
The rest requires no words...
And from that moment forward, their lives were forever changed.
Matt then presented Amber with a T Shirt welcoming her to his family, and shared chocolate and champagne.
As Matt and Amber descended to the AeroTrain, the newly engaged couple was welcomed with cheering and ovation by passengers and employees alike.
Even back at Baggage Claim, Amber was still in shock.
After collecting Amber's bag, it was time for Matt and Amber to depart Dulles and enjoy their first night as an engaged couple.

To top it all off, Fox News in both Washington, DC, and Dothan, Alabama caught and reported the engagement story, featuring my photography! Check out the clip of Fox 5 News (Washington, DC) below!
Thank you, to Kenny at Fox 5 News, for kindly contacting me regarding this story!