
The official photo blog of J. David Buerk Photography.

Rhode Island & Boston: Summer 2021

My close friend Alyssa and I have had a variably ongoing tradition of visiting one another to get up to some kind of local adventures most Summers.  Most recently Alyssa stopped by DC in 2020 while traveling to take care of her grandparents who needed help during the height of the pandemic, and this past Summer of 2021, since everyone finally had access to a vaccine and cases were at a record low since the start, I visited Alyssa and Megan for 10 days in beautiful Rhode Island.

Since this trip was quite long, and included numerous locations and photoshoots, I am breaking this post up into days and major locations, and including highlights linking back to dedicated posts I’ve already posted.

Be sure to see my highlight video of selected clips from this trip, found at the end of this post or at this link on YouTube. Or see the full Vlog on YouTube.

Black Tom Island, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, & Manhattan

Like my last trip to Rhode Island in 2018, I chose to drive, both due to the safety risks of flying, and the logistical ease of having my car on hand.  With a new pair of Maui Jims in my signature color, a new dashcam installed, and Ginny, my plush Corgi Alyssa sent me earlier in the year, riding shotgun, I had my car freshly ceramic tinted the day before leaving, which made the Summer heat and sun much more bearable with the extended drive - a light smoky look, I regret not having my black car with black interior tinted the day I bought it in 2015.  Unfortunately, I was traveling on 4th of July weekend, which meant my ~7-8hr drive ended up being about 16hrs thanks to traffic the first half and severe weather from New York forward.

Approaching New York, I was driving on the border of a massive rainstorm the length of the Eastern seaboard, whose bands were spaced out like fingers but I somehow was able to outrun just enough to arrive at my traditional halfway stopping point of the Jersey shore overlooking Manhattan, this time at Black Tom Island.  The pavement was drenched from a band that had gone through probably not long before I arrived, and I knew from watching radar I didn’t have much time to go get a glimpse of The Statue of Liberty - this was my first time at this park, so while I knew I *should* be able to spot it, I wasn’t sure how great the view would be.

Black Tom Island’s park seemed very nice, or at least it would be when the facilities are open - I suspect the visitor center was a pandemic closure, but given the nasty weather the only people out and about were two couples dropping in to take a quick selfie with Lady Liberty like I was, and a runner so saturated he looked as though he’d just arisen from the Hudson.  Black Tom Island is a part of Liberty State Park I’d like to visit more in detail knowing a bit more of the history behind it - the site of the Black Tom Explosion in 1916, German spies set fire to the Lehigh Valley Munitions Depot housing 2,000,000 lbs of artillery shells and 100,000 lbs of TNT to be shipped to Russian and British allies during WWI.  The sabotaged stockpile detonated, destroying the manmade island, launching debris into the skin of The Statue of Liberty and buildings over a mile away, shattering windows up to 25mi away, registering 5.5 on the Richter Scale, being felt as far away as Philadelphia and heard as far as Baltimore.

The incident resulted in creation of The Espionage Act of 1917, and later would later be used by FDR as justification for the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII.  Today the site of the explosion is marked with a circle of flags with Lady Liberty holding her damaged and now restored torch high above her head, perhaps peeking over her shoulder at blast site.

I hurried to the Hudson’s shore to get a peek at the Statue of Liberty, Manhattan, and maybe Ellis Island before the storm caught back up to me.  I was lucky; I got there just in time to see Manhattan become completely enveloped in a wall of rain reminiscent of a disaster movie in a matter of a minute.  Ellis Island was visible but not discernible.  I didn’t wait to see Lady Liberty, parallel to my unsheltered position, to also be consumed.  I had another traveler (apparently also from DC on their way up to New England) quickly take my picture, shot a few Polaroids, and sprinted the 1/4mi back to the car as heavy raindrops began pelting me - it had been drizzling the entire time, but it was about to get serious again.

By time I got to my car the rain was just picking up; I spent only 10min at the park.  This would be the weather I’d drive in for the next ~8 hours on a trip that would normally only require 4; a long day of driving non-stop without even eating anything more than my morning coffee that would result in a migraine the next day after finally arriving.

Alyssa, Megan, and myself all grumpily went straight to bed once I finally got there and collapsed from a long day of hurry up and wait.  Isla quickly became my new best friend and kept me cozy and cuddled on Megacouch™ that was my bed for the trip every night.  The next morning I met Nova, who I’d only Facetimed with up to this point, and once my migraine had subsided enough that light and sound weren’t cracking my skull open, Megan and I got weird in her new plague reaper outfit.  I also might have accidentally scared a few people wearing this mask while walking around in a few spots that required masks - Megan and I share a love of dark humor and literally morbid curiosities.  We had several ideas for photoshoots with this getup, but didn’t have the time to pursue them, and had higher photoshoot priorities.


I’ve learned over the years that the best trips only have loosely laid plans; you need to be able to follow your heart, not an itinerary.  Rhode Island, and all of New England for that matter, has rich and interesting history, whether local or regionally.  Most days on this trip I started like most days at home, by knocking out a run - I kept them short to only 5Ks on the road, and this time had a running buddy: Isla, who is a bundle of energy.  None of us were sure how she’d do running that long a distance; our first few times out I stopped variably to give her a check-in and rest, but over the course of a few days I’d worked her up to the full 5K distance non-stop, and she did great!  After just a few runs she had even learned the new commands, “let’s go” to speed up, “slow down,” and most critically “cross” for knowing when I was deeming it safe for us to cross roads and crosswalks - she’s a very smart pupper, and I miss my running buddy after coming back home!

Typical of New England Summers, there were numerous dreary days, which I of course enjoy my fair share of, and they work perfectly for some of the photoshoot ideas Megan and I had bouncing around.  Once my headache cleared more, we set out to go scouting for some of the steampunk and vintage shoot locations.  This actually would have been a perfect day to shoot on, but neither of us were in the mood for more than just some casual exploration.

Fun fact; I hint at it in the Victorian Trenchcoat Photoshoot’s post, but on the other side of this wall Megan climbed onto and lay atop was this piece of power gathering equipment leftover from the textile mill’s spillway - the water rushing through was very loud and very dangerous, so I’m still surprised she scaled up, laid down, and closed her eyes without hesitation.

On another day, I went walking with Alyssa, some of her neighbors, and the puppers on a play-date-walk around Slatersville; I’d seen much of the small village from my runs, but certainly not all of it, such as the nearby reservoir’s feed into the mill’s spillway above about ½mi away where Isla and the other puppers like to go swimming before the current picks up.

That evening Megan and I went out stormchasing, one of two times we rushed out to try and catch lightning.  This is something we both do in our respective hometowns during the thunderstormy Summer months, but was the first time we’ve had the chance to go do it together, not just frantically texting each other about storms in our area.  As it turns out, we both have very different methods of photographing storms and capturing lightning photography; although my method is more traditional, I have to give the aptly named “@thestorm_witch” the win here, because she routinely catches more lighting more aesthetically than I do.  Don’t tell her I admitted she’s better than me LOL.

Independence Day

On The 4th of July I went with Alyssa to her mom’s for a BBQ and birthday party for one of the kids; not only were most of Alyssa’s family who I’ve come to know over the years were there, but also quite a few of Alyssa’s friends, which was nice to see again after 3 years.  This was also my first time seeing Hennessy, her sister’s pit who fell in love with me in 2018 just as much as Isla this 2021 - I have a reputation of stealing the hearts of everyone else’s pets 💁🏼‍♂️  Between the two, it turned into a flight of who would be my lap dog during the picnic, but since Hennessy has gotten a bit older, chubby, and lazy, Isla won this fight.  Alyssa brought her albino bunny Ghost, who was fed by some of the fascinated kids when he wasn’t exploring her garden and nibbling on the veggies ready for harvest.

After the party, a group of us met up to make smores and drink around a firepit after a dip in the hottub as fireworks went off in different directions around us.

Megan: Steampunk Textile Mill

The next day Megan and I shot our first session together inside the textile mill, which had some equipment leftover and restored for display; perfect for the steampunk vibe we were after.  This was Megan’s first time modeling in over 5 years, and her first time in a corset, so I’m glad she was comfortable entrusting me with photographing her and jumping back into modeling with me.

A few highlights are below, but you can see the full set and a more detailed description of our concept on this post dedicated to the shoot.

Paddleboards and Kayaks

For several months Alyssa had been excited about the inflatable paddleboard she had gotten a deal on, and this day was a great opportunity to give it a shot.  I enjoyed some kayak time along Saunderstown’s Narrow River while Alyssa quickly got the hang of her board - she has the goal of getting Isla to be comfortable riding along with her, but her first time on a paddleboard isn’t the time for that - the pupper stayed home.  Even I gave the paddleboard a shot after Alyssa was done, though it was beginning to deflate and become a bit floppy, but I am still impressed at how similar to a fully rigid paddleboard it is.


After a day on the water, it was time to head over to nearby Wickford for drinks and lobstah rolls at Wickford on the Water.  Most of the shops in downtown Wickford were already closed for the day so while I walked around and took pictures with my Canon, so I came back a few days later to do some shopping with only my Polaroid.


After Wickford, I head over to Newport solo in search of sunset and to see what the nightlife was like this time around - I parked in the same spot I did 3 years prior, and walked Thames Street like I did in 2018.  None of the boutiques were open; just the touristy oceanwear stores that don’t offer the individualized type of gifts I was on the hunt for.  I wanted dessert; perhaps a drink, but definitely ice cream - there was a gelato place I popped into as a nightcap in 2018, and to my delight it was still there and one of the few places also still open at this hour.  A fitting tradition I’ve come to develop in this city.

Megan: Victorian Trenchcoat

This day we’d awaited foggy weather, and jumped at the fog offered this morning before the sun rose enough to burn it off.  The fog provided the perfect atmosphere to match the damp ruins of the old textile mill, a setting matched to the Victorian trenchcoat Megan and timeless makeup Megan sported for this photoshoot.

Enjoy some highlights below, but be sure to visit the dedicated post for more of the images we created during this shoot.  For this shoot I also brought my Polaroid and captured some true beauty in imperfection.


One of the biggest plans I had for this trip was visiting Boston.  I technically had been before, back in 2000, the same trip that I shot my September, 2000 photo of the World Trade Center which I revisited and replicated in 2018 on my last roadtrip up to New England.  But my only memory of Boston besides seeing The Old North Church is riding my Razer scooter through a busy market, one I remember as being Chinatown, but after this trip I must wonder if it was the Boston Public Market I walked through first thing upon arriving in the city.

Immediately after wrapping the Victorian Trenchcoat shoot, only taking the time to offload the pictures, I zipped off solo the hour drive to Boston, dropping my car next to Quincy Market to grab a lobstah roll before starting my explorations.  Passing through the Boston Public Market, I spotted Union Oyster House, noting it as a possible dinner option for later.

After some chowdah and lobstah, I began my exploration.  Like how I explore most new cities, I didn’t have any firm destinations - I happened upon nearby Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park and took in Union Wharf on my way up to The North End, where The Old North Church is located among a number of cemeteries.

Entering The North End, I was drawn down down Hanover by the residential architecture, and stumbled upon the All Saints Way alleyway shrine in Boston’s little Italy.  Owned by resident Peter Baldassari, this little known odditiy is a collection of photos, statues, prayer cards, and holy objects collected throughout his life, and partially on display in the private alleyway outside his home.  2021 has unironically been my year for Atlas Obscura, because I visited Centralia, a Pennsylvania ghost town expected to burn for the next 250 years, just a few months prior to this trip, and here I am visiting another registry in the Atlas Obscura.

But wait, there’s more!  After walking through Paul Revere Mall and The Old North Church’s grounds, I, again accidentally, stumbled onto the Skinny House, AKA The Spite House, another Atlas Obscura entry.  This 10 foot wide, 30 foot deep 4 story rowhouse is the result of a feud between two brothers following an inheritance / land-rights dispute after the Civil War.  One brother, arriving home from the Civil War prior to his brother, built a home on the site; when his brother returned later and felt the land leftover in the inheritance had been disproportionally taken, the Skinny House was built out of spite to block the first brother’s access and daylight exposure to his home and business.  Today the Spite House remains the skinniest house in Boston; the historic building is privately owned and occupied, and not open to public.

I walked by The Old North Church, but without plans to actually tour it - I couldn’t have if I wanted to anyway; it was closed.

Unfortunately all the cemeteries in Boston had also just closed by this time; 4PM is very early, but my understanding is the time is set this way to deter vandalism of the gravestones dating back hundreds of years, so the graveyards always close at least an hour before sunset no matter the status of Daylight Savings Time - this reasoning needs a citation to confirm, however.

I was still able to see into the many cemeteries I passed by, and poke my camera through the fencing to get better views.

Continuing on, I made my way to Converse - Lovejoy Wharf and crossed the bridge with the intention of visiting The Charlestown Bells, but the entire dock this musical public art installation is located on was closed for construction.

Since that was a bust, I decided to check out Paul Revere Park.  I didn’t think this was really the type of thing I was looking for, but I was thinking of heading the general direction of Bunker Hill, so it was worth popping into.  I’m glad I did, because it offered a great view of the city, including TD Garden and Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge.

Since this was a bit of a breather and I was figuring out where to go from here, I found that Bunker Hill, like the cemeteries, was also closed for the day, and there wasn’t anything else in that direction I was drawn to - I’m sure I’d have found something fun that way on my exploration, but I like having a general direction in mind, even if I don’t necessarily make it to the destination I choose to head toward.  I shifted my focus toward MIT, Southwest of my current location, and figured it might be interesting to walk through.  This lead to my favorite happy accident of my entire trip.

Crossing the North Bank pedestrian bridge, I wasn’t sure I’d made the right call, but when I got to the other side of the water under I-93, I knew I’d accidentally made an even better call than I could have planned.  The Lynch Family Skatepark came into view, and it was hopping.  After watching from the bridge for a few minutes, I made my way over to get a closer look.

The skatepark is one of only a handful in all of Boston, and is the result of a non-profit that built it was part of a waterway restoration project 6 years ago.  The park clearly attracts skaters of all ages and skill levels, from kids on their first set of rollerblades to adults older than me tearing up the bowls on skateboards.  BMXers and scooters also dropped in for some action in the brightly graffitied bowls and ramps with street art applied.  Looking through historical photos, the park was totally barren of color and art until recently, and I’m glad they now allow, or at least don’t seem to enforce, graffiti rules or removal, if any.  Like Centralia’s Graffiti Highway, the colorful expression through art and messages is important, beautiful, and hurts nobody.  Here is provides a beautifully textured backdrop for skaters’ athleticism.

I perched myself in a visible, but out-of-the-way position on the lip of the largest and most skated bowls, and captured skaters as they dropped in and let ‘er rip.  Several even made sure to incorporate paths and tricks up close to my spot for me to catch, and even came by to check out what my results were.

I spent almost an hour hanging out, watching, seeing what I could see, and enjoying the chill vibe here.  It’s stumbling onto awesome spots and experiences like this, through pure accidental luck while, that I love about aimlessly exploring new cities like this.

At this point it was getting toward the golden hour, and I didn’t want to be *too* far from my starting point once night fell; I have no problem staying out in a new city after dark (I actually enjoy it), I just didn’t feel like needing to hail a cab to get back to my start like I did on one of my Chicago trips - another time.  I scrubbed MIT and decided to go see the original Cheers pub, but without intention of eating there; not only do I prefer to avoid obvious tourist traps, but also looking at their menu beforehand, all they serve is crappy, super basic bar food and light beers - not worth eating there, especially if there’s a wait, which of course there was a line waiting outside when I did eventually get there.

Making a loop, I skipped the West End entirely and cut through Massachusetts General Hospital, which I didn’t mind because I love medicine and beautiful architecture.

I made my way through Beacon Hill, which I’d have liked to have spent more time in shopping and dining, however, like my time in Wickford, all the shops I was interested in visiting were already closed for the day.  Instead, I started ducking down interesting looking sidestreets to take in the historic architecture and househunt in this expensive residential area.

Exiting onto the famed Beacon Street, I poked my head into Cheers to at least see the interior for myself, and snapped a few pictures of the exterior before crossing into the Boston Public Garden across the street.

Boston Public Garden was a non-rushed shortcut for me on my way back to Downtown for dinner.  I made my way generally toward the other side, enjoying the scenery along the way.

After passing by another (closed) cemetery, I was drawn by Emerson College’s pretty buildings, and followed some interesting looking sidestreets.  This ended up landing me in Boston’s theater district, which I didn’t even know existed.  As the sun was just setting, I was here at the perfect time to capture all the colorful blinking lights with dusk’s vibrance in the sky.

Quincy Market had far fewer people on the plaza by time I made it back, and after some casual looking at my dinner options, I decided Union Oyster House was my spot - I had been curious since I laid my eyes on it at the beginning of my day, and it offered some of my favorite foods: oysters, seafood, and cocktails.

Oof, it hit the spot.  At this point, I was pretty beat from the day, and done with exploring, but I wasn’t done with the city.  I decided to walk around and find bar to see what the Boston nightlife is like.  I found myself a few blocks away at Lucca, a fine Italian offering whose entire front was open to enjoy the nice weather and music from their bar illuminated a dim pink.  I had several sidecars with my oysters and seafood platter at dinner, and switched to martinis to round out my evening.

Chill Day: Bunny Grooming, Farmer’s Market, Wright’s Dairy Farm

Although I was busiest, touring Boston, the day prior, everyone was on board for a day of leisure.  Alyssa groomed Ghost al fresco while Megan and I poked around with our cameras.

Next we head over to pick up Alyssa’s order from her farmer’s market, and said hi to the goats before heading over to Wright’s Dairy Farm (which you can see pictures of from my 2018 trip) for fresh ice cream, and to pick up a cornucopia of treats.  On the way back, we picked up pizzas and played shuffleboard for the night.

Last Day, Departure, Darien

My last day in town was another workday for both Alyssa and Megan; I grabbed lunch with Megan, then head back to load my car and hang out with Alyssa and Isla for a few hours before needing to hit the road.  Isla made it *very* clear she wanted to come home with me, but alas, all I brought home were some paw prints, fur, and part of a bouquet Alyssa assembled and placed in my cupholder to deliver to my mom.

The drive back home was MUCH easier than the drive up a week prior; I hit no traffic and no weather.  Around dusk I was getting hungry and decided to pull off at a convenient exit in Connecticut.  I parked at a Starbucks and opened my phone to see what local flavors were around and open - I lucked out, because I was in the mood for a burger, and had parked across the street from Burgers, Shakes, & Fries, and it was one of the few places still open in this small town.  Walking over is when I realized exactly *where* I was - this was Darien, Connecticut, which wouldn’t normally be notable except one of my best friends grew up here.  After sitting down and ordering my cholesterol special with extra onions and a side of onion rings, I texted my friend Patrick to let him know where I was and get his childhood home’s address - it was only 5min away.

After inhaling that delicious burger, I went for a quick walk along Darien’s Main Street.  The sun was setting and everything was closed, but this I expected, and wasn’t set on shopping anyway.

After documenting a very patinaed Chevy across from my car, I head over to Patrick’s childhood home to document it as night fell, because I knew he’d appreciate seeing it and it wasn’t out of my way at all.

After this I set back on my way South to DC, with a mostly uneventful late-night drive the entire way; how I’m used to this trip going.  This time I skipped stopping to view Manhattan, as I counted Darien as my mid-trip stop this time around.

Highlight Vlog

See highlighted video clips in this video below, or watch the full Vlog on YouTube.

I don’t know when the next time I’ll be returning to New England will be, but I do want to make sure to get out to Salem next time around!

Rhode Island: Summer 2018

Foreward in 2021

As with the photos I recently posted from my 2017 trip to Rhode Island, the following is a collection of photos I’ve had in my personal backlog to edit and write about for several years.  I only recently finished editing the last of these photos and composing this post, because frankly, the sheer amount from the museum portions was so daunting (that, and I always put paid work first) - in fact there are so many from museums that I’ve given each museum their own post, and am only including a few highlights here with links to their respective full posts.  The non-museum photos were finished not long after the trip.

As always, I’m reiterating that these photos are from 2018, which was long before COVID-19 was ever a worry.  So, after two years of anticipation, here is my 2018 trip to Rhode Island, which includes recreating one of my earliest photographs, graveyards, fire stations, farms, bonsai, mansions, museums, street art, airports, and cars… lots of cars.

The New York City Empty Sky Memorial (Part 1)

Rather than flying this time, I made the 444mi journey by car because both Alyssa and I needed the scheduling flexibility having a car and no firm flight reservations would provide.  My plan for the trip up was to stop in New Jersey at the New York City Empty Sky Memorial, which is a part of Liberty State Park, Jersey City, New Jersey.  Unfortunately I got underway later than I’d hoped, finishing up a photoshoot that morning, and got stuck in rush hour traffic leaving the DC region and the tail end around Philadelphia.

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I did make it to the Empty Sky Memorial, but after the sun had set, which didn’t meet my reason for stopping by.  As you likely saw in my post two years ago, I took a photo of the Manhattan skyline including the Twin Towers in September, 2000 from Liberty State Park, at age 12; it is one of my earliest photographs, and unbeknownst to me at the time, my own capture of history.  The purpose of my visit was to attempt to recreate this photo.  Because it was evening by time I arrived, I chose not to try to find the spot I stood 18 years prior, and simply captured the New York skyline at nighttime - something I’ve never done despite numerous trips to New York as an adult.

I would have to drive this route on my return trip home, so I still had another chance to make this work, weather permitting.  As it turns out, on the return leg at the end of my trip, I was able to reach the park well before sunset, and as it so happened, the weather was almost identically patchy foggy like that day in 2000.  You will see highlights from the second visit at the end of this post - this post is sequential, and for larger photo sets like this I am only including highlights, and linking to the larger dedicated posts.

You can see the full set of my The New York City Empty Sky Memorial photos by clicking here.

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Rhode Island Cemeteries and Wright's Dairy Farm

I made it to Woonsocket, Rhode Island well after midnight and collapsed right away to sleep.  The next morning, in the appropriately spooky New England fog, Alyssa took me to several nearby cemeteries.  As with any graveyard, we spent a lot of time reading the headstones looking for the oldest dates and most interesting inscriptions.  Older headstones are often difficult or impossible to read not just because of age and older materials and construction methods, but also because of the effects of acid rain and pollution directly resulting from the industrial revolution, which of course in the United States was centralized in New England - this is part of deep-rooted history of Woonsocket and Northern Rhode Island we’ll address in detail later on in this post.

Some of the oldest headstones we spotted date back to the early 1700s, and one of the cemeteries we stopped at is resting place for Peleg Arnold, a lawyer and later State Supreme Court Chief Justice who represented Rhode Island as a delegate in the Continental Congress.  And those are just the ones we could read; many are so weathered they are indecipherable.

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Next, we visited the church where Alyssa was baptized, and she goes to midnight mass every Christmas.

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While driving back, we spotted an antique fire truck parked in front of a fire station; I had to stop and get some photos.  While checking it out, the owner came out of the fire station; turns out this fire truck is privately owned - it’s not owned by the fire department.  The owner is a firefighter who bought and restored the 1972 Maxim F ladder truck, which is an especially unusual sight today with its open cab.  In talking with the owner, it turns out he is stationed at T. F. Green Airport (PVD), so we had lots of aviation stuff to talk about.  In fact, keep reading, because this comes back into play later on in my trip.

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Our next stop was Wright's Dairy Farm for Alyssa’s birthday cake… and maybe a ton of other incredible sweets as well.  Wright's Dairy Farm offers tours that shows their milking operation, but we were just there to buy milk and sweets well after milking time, but we still of course said hi to the moo-cows!

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In the evening Alyssa had a “girls night” pre-birthday dinner and drinks that I attended despite not being one of the girls, and I enjoyed Rhode Island’s famous fried whole-belly clams while finally meeting some of Alyssa’s friends I’d only ever met over Facetime until now.

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Downtown Woonsocket

The next morning, Alyssa and I drove the few miles over to downtown Woonsocket for an early lunch to introduce me to another Rhode Island cuisine staple I’d only heard about: Hot Wiener.  Alyssa had told me stories about how her dad would take her to the New York Lunch for hot wieners as a kid, and the cook would prepare the wieners by laying a row of them all the way up their arm, and the cook’s sweat would add salty flavor to the dogs while assembling the wieners; health code prevents this theatric today, but Rhode Island hot wieners differ from a standard hot dog in that they are made of beef, veal, and pork, served on a steamed bun, and topped with celery salt, mustard, onion, and meat sauce.  The first time Alyssa visited me in DC, I introduced her to DC’s famous Ben’s Chili Bowl Half-Smokes while at a Nats game; these two regional foods are distinctly different, but clearly in the same category.

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We stopped by a nearby waterfall en route to our next major planned stop.  Rhode Island has lots of dams and waterfalls, a result of its Ocean State status and industrial revolution history.  Blackstone River and Canal is no exception.

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New England Bonsai Gardens

So, I’m not as big a plant nerd as Alyssa, but I still enjoy certain varieties.  I have several orchids, and the previous year, Alyssa had gotten me a Willow Leaf Ficus bonsai for Christmas - Alyssa finds her zen in all plants, and discovered the art of bonsai the previous Fall.  Luckily for her, New England is host to the largest bonsai nursery on the East coast, just across the border in Massachusetts.  She visited often enough the owners know her by name, but it was finally my turn to see all their varieties in person.

We both selected new bonsai to take home.  I’ve always admired junipers, but sadly the one I picked up and brought home with me didn’t make it in the end, dying about a month later from some combination of too much sunlight or too much or too little water - I’m just not sure, but it’s the only plant I’ve ever lost, even with my experience raising temperamental plants.  I’ve been told by others that DC’s climate has too harsh fluctuations for junipers to thrive, but I find that a bit hard to believe if they can thrive with care in New England.  Beats me.

Interestingly, since returning from this trip I’ve discovered that the nursery I frequent here in Virginia sources all their bonsai from New England Bonsai Gardens; it was obvious to me when I noticed they don’t even take NEBG’s inventory tags off.  On top of that, since this trip, Alyssa has visited me here in DC, and while conversing with some of the staff here, they both actually know some of the same people at NEBG since they source their bonsai from there.  I know this is a pretty niche interest, but it’s still a small world.

I’ve included some highlights of New England Bonsai Gardens below, and you can see more in its own post here.

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T. F. Green Airport

During my chance meeting the firefighter while checking out his antique ladder truck a few days prior, we’d discussed my connections to IAD and DCA, such as my multimedia roles, and interfacing with the airport police and fire departments for various projects.  Since then, we’d arranged time to meet up once again, while he was on-duty at PVD’s airfield rescue and firefighting station so he could give me a proper airfield tour from airside.  I love airports, and I love airport people!

I arrived at the ARFF station and met up with my new firefighter friend who was very eager to see me again.  Unfortunately part of our plan fell through, because due to other duties going on that day he was left without a service vehicle (beyond an ARFF truck, which you can’t exactly take out without a full crew in case there’s a call).  But no biggie; we still hung out airside for a few hours trading stories and watching aircraft taxi and take off.

T. F. Green’s airfield is interesting because its ATC tower and ARFF station are located on the opposite side of the passenger terminals; this is common (and normally necessitated by response time requirements) for ARFF stations, but although not unheard of for ATC, less common.  This location opposite the passenger terminals gave a much wider, different perspective of the airfield than one would normally get while simply catching their flight.

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At mid-day, this was a slow time between banks, when most aircraft were in the sky between destinations; this was on purpose so the likelihood of a call was lowest.  Just after I arrived, one of the New England Patriots’ private aircraft landed after performing practice maneuvers in preparation for an upcoming aerial display; you can see it taxiing back to its hardstand.

Enjoy the highlights of my visit to T. F. Green’s airfield below, and visit its full post for more pictures.

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Downtown Providence

Seeing as I had the rest of the day to myself, I decided to go explore nearby Providence, having never been there for any extended amount of time.  I was hungry and came across a Greek market and restaurant that was perfect for lunch.

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I found a trail that lead to a waterfront which gave a great view of the windmills and sea industry.

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Next I stopped by the Rhode Island State House.  It was closed, so I didn’t get to go inside, but I did explore the exterior.  Once night fell, the dome lights were rainbow colored to match the streetlight banners and other city decorations - for some reason Rhode Island Pride was in August, not June as is traditional.  Or perhaps they just left the lights and banners up for several months?  It’s not clear, because this was August, but everything I find says Rhode Island celebrates in June like everywhere else.

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Next I explored more of Providence’s downtown, following the canal toward the Providence Biltmore, all the way to the beautiful and vacant art deco Industrial National Bank Building.

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As the sun was setting, I stumbled across this 2015 mural entitled “She Never Came” created by Polish artist BEZT.

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Off-Day with Alyssa

The next day was an off-day, and Alyssa and I decided to not make any plans and just do errands and generally relax.  We took Hennessy to a pond to play, PetSmart for some new toys, and dinner at a friend’s taco restaurant.

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While stopping to check out a waterfall, we found a Vietnam war memorial.  Looking more closely, I found someone had laid a pillow with wedding rings tied to it.  The names of the fallen are on the memorial, but there was no indication for whom the rings were placed.

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Newport Car Museum

The next day was another day all to myself, and since I’m into cars but Alyssa is not, this seemed like the best day to head to Newport and check out the Newport Car Museum which was highly recommended to me by numerous gearhead friends and car groups I’m in.

I’m sharing some highlights of the Newport Car Museum in this post.  To see a more complete posting of the cars on exhibit, click her to visit its own dedicated post.

I was a little confused at first because the museum shares an entrance with a Raytheon office complex, but I’d heard that the owner, Gunther Buerman, formerly worked for Raytheon, so this wasn’t entirely surprising to me; from what I’ve read there’s no indication whether this is actually true, but the building that houses the Newport Car Museum was formerly a missile manufacturing facility on the Raytheon campus.  When I saw the cars parked out front I knew I was in the right place - there wasn’t anything super rare, but the SL550, Fiata, and modded A4 grouped together aren’t your super common econobox traffic.  I parked in their cluster of more interesting cars by the NPT CAR MUS flag.

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The most stunning thing about the museum besides the collection it contains is the architecture and interior design.  Opened in 2017, the museum was less than a year old when I was visiting, but it felt so well-established already with complete and modern designed exhibits and offerings from every era and genre of classic, exotic, and notable automotives available in the United States.  It’s a large museum filled with almost 100 cars and numerous pieces of art and furniture from names including Salvador Dali and Charles and Ray Eames, and it still has room for further buildout as the collection expands.

Upon walking in with my camera wearing a Porsche polo, the staff thought I was an automotive journalist on assignment and offered me a private tour; if I had played my hand differently I could have taken them up on it, but I was honest and said I was just vacationing, not wanting to waste anyone’s time.

The first stop when arriving is a room with Forza 6 driving simulators you can try once included with admissions if you’d like.  I was the only person there, and gave it a whirl, but the game crashed / froze less than a minute from it starting, and the attendant instead of resetting it said “you’re done” and wanted me to pay ~$25 to “go again.”  This was my first impression upon entering the museum mind you, and it left a bad taste in my mouth.  I politely told him that it’s a racket to expect me to pay for something of theirs that’s broken, and moved on.  Luckily being able to enjoy the rest of the museum uninterrupted helped me forget the bad first impression.

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The Newport Car Museum has some of my all-time favorites, such as a Diablo VT Roadster, only the second Countach I’ve ever seen, each major iteration of the Viper, the only XJ220 I’ve ever seen, the first second-generation Ford GT I’ve seen, and my dream car, the Porsche 4S Targa, though I’d prefer Forest Green Metallic, Mamba Green Metallic, or Anthracite Brown Metallic over Viper Green as displayed, despite my shirt matching in color.

The museum is also home to cars with race and movie heritage in addition to the rare and limited models on display.  Needless to say, the Newport Car Museum has something for everyone from every vintage from the 40s forward.  The staff was extremely friendly, and helpful in even pointing me towards other Rhode Island car collections and invited me to a nearby cars and coffee that I was unfortunately unable to attend seeing as it was after I’d headed home to DC.  I’m very curious to visit again the next time I’m in Rhode Island to see what additions have been made since my first visit.

This museum is so vast that I’ve given it its own dedicated post which you can view here, but I’m including a few highlights below.

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Evening in Newport

After the Newport Car Museum it was time for lunch, and I was craving a Newport lobstah roll - I hadn’t gotten a lobstah roll yet this trip, so I went to nearby Easton Beach to grab lunch on the beach.  After inhaling some chowda with my roll, I walked on the beach enjoying the waves rolling up on my feet before heading to the highly recommended Newport Cliff Walk.

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On the way to the Cliff Walk I spotted another car museum I’d heard of, however this one wasn’t open the day I was there.

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Over 100 years old, Newport’s Cliff Walk is a recreational nature trail along Rhode Island’s Eastern Shore that provides constant views of the ocean, and the historic mansions and oceanfront properties.  Many of these shoreline residences are now historic landmarks owned by non-profits, utilized as museums and event venues.  Others are still privately owned residences or have been converted to luxury hotels.  The Cliff Walk also take you past Salve Regina Univeristy, a private Catholic university with 2,000 undergraduates and 600 postgrad students founded in 1934.

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Museum of Work and Culture

I had the next day to myself as well, and after hearing about The Museum of Work and Culture for years after multiple visits to Woonsocket, I’d planned to start my day giving it a full runthough.  This seemed to surprise the small staff there, as I was the only person there the entire time I went, and on my way out the door several hours later the front desk attendant commented, “Oh, wow, I thought you’d left already!”  It may not be the most popular, but this Smithsonian affiliate museum is home to a ton of Rhode Island and New England history.

The Museum of Work and Culture shares the history of French-Canadian and Québécois immigrants who traveled to New England in the late 19th century at the end of the industrial revolution, where Rhode Island had a large textile industry.  As a result of the mass migration to New England, Rhode Island still to this day has an abundant French heritage; in fact, to this day, Woonsocket, where the museum is located, has the largest concentration of French and French-Canadian population in the US, dubbing itself La ville la plus française aux États-Unis, meaning “the most French city in the United States.”

The museum has so much on display in such a small space that, like the Newport Car Museum, it deserves its own post.  You can view that post here, and enjoy some highlights below:

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Visible through out the museum windows is the Blackstone River, one of the dams utilized by the surrounding textile industry, and some of the few remaining mill buildings that have mostly been converted into apartments.

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Later that night, Alyssa and I went to an arcade bar in Providence and shaped our new junipers.  I was hoping to create a blended spiral shape with growth.  This night also marked the only time I’ve ever seen or played a TRON machine.  Alyssa spent most of her time on Frogger, which she used to play with her Dad, and I tried the various pinball machines, mostly sticking with The Simpsons.  We both spent over an hour playing air hockey against each other, and later teaming up against other challengers.

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The New York City Empty Sky Memorial (Part 2)

The next day it was time for me to depart and head home.  I had two planned stops in New York (technically New Jersey); I was once again heading to The New York City Empty Sky Memorial to attempt to recreate the photo I’d taken at Liberty State Park of the New York skyline at age 12, and afterwards I had plans to meet up with my friend Natalie who lived a few miles away in Weehawken.  After spending over a week making Hennessy fall in love with me, I had to hit the road while the pupper was out for the day with Alyssa’s sister - I never got to properly tell the pupper goodbye :-(

This time around I made good time en route to New York, only hitting traffic in Fairfield and approaching the George Washington Bridge, with no rain this way.  As chance would have it, this route took me right past the Liberty Science Center and the locally renowned and beloved Liberty Park Diner which my family ate at every day for the few days in September of 2000 we “visited New York” (we never actually left New Jersey, and only saw New York from Jersey City, NJ).  A part of me wanted to stop in for a waffle after taking my pictures at Liberty State Park, but I had been invited to eat at Natalie’s.  Despite already having dinner plans, I now regret not at least popping in, because sadly, as of this writing, The Liberty Park Diner has now permanently closed; another small-business victim of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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I pulled onto the brick road leading to Liberty State Park and knew I had succeeded in capturing something to match my film photo of the Twin Towers; remarkably, even the weather was visually similar to that day in 2000.  I quickly parked, and in my excitement that I was going to actually be able to capture this photo, I had to slow myself down and think, plan - grab my camera, think about what settings I want to use, clean and dry my hands, grab the print of my 2000 photo and be sure to keep it secure, clean, and undamaged on the way to the spot, and think about how best to locate the exact spot.

You can see the full set of my The New York City Empty Sky Memorial photos by clicking here.

My original photo from 2000:

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Inspecting the original picture, I counted 12 light poles visible, which would give me a good starting point to get me close to the same spot for that matching perspective.  To my surprise, the park benches and even the trash cans hadn’t changed in all this time.  In order to fit all 12 light posts in-frame, I walked back parallel to 13th light post from the end, and incredibly the perspective aligned almost perfectly - even the park benches lined up, though some trash cans moved, as you’d expect they would over the course of 18 years.

To my amazement, it took me longer to walk to this spot from my car than it did to fight the wind and correctly line up my photograph in the shot.

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And here are the photos, 2000 and 2018, side-by-side.  History in both pictures; the Twin Towers visible in 2000, and One World Trade Center erected adjacent to the empty sky where they once stood.  Many other buildings have also sprung up across the skyline, and the freshly planted trees in my original picture are all grown up today.

After capturing a variety of photos lining up my print with the skyline fighting the wind and eventual arm cramps, I head over to the Empty Sky Memorial to take in and shoot it and the NYC skyline in daylight, since i’d only seen it at night before.  I was about an hour from sunset, and I decided to stay here until dark and capture daylight and dusk photos of both memorial and city.

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Once it had become as dark as it was when I’d been here just a week prior, I packed it up and head over to meet up with Natalie, who I hadn’t seen in several years.  A few miles away, I was greeted by an excited Sophie who was eager to show off the tricks Natalie has taught her over the years, and I of course grabbed a few selfies after scarfing down a huge salad, which Natalie told me she’s found is good roadtrip food because it counters any junk you’ve been tempted to eat - she was absolutely right and God did it hit the spot.

I’d only intended to stay an hour or so, but I should have known better, because any time the two of us get together the time flies, and it was past 1AM by time I head out.

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As chance would have it, somewhere in the dark walking out to my car I stepped in something that smelled absolutely lovely, which I didn’t realize until I’d gotten back onto the New Jersey Turnpike and gotten a few miles away.  As everyone knows, New Jersey is known as “the armpit of America,” and it has a lot of industry serving New York along the I-95 / New Jersey Turnpike corridor.  It often smells, and it took me a few minutes to put together that the foul smell I was rapidly becoming overwhelmed by was coming from inside the car, not outside.  I pulled over at the next rest area, which was mercifully only a few miles away.

Quickly getting out into the fresh New Jersey air, I inspected the damage; yup, shoe covered in dog poo, and unfortunately it was also all over my clutch pedal - stepping in it with my left foot only was the only luck to be had, because it meant my brake and accelerator were safe.  I did my best to scrape off what was on my shoe, but it was the most concrete / adherent poo I’ve ever had the misfortune of dealing with, so inside the rest area I ordered a large coffee from the Starbucks stand and explained my situation to the barista, asking for trash bags and any cleaning supplies she had.  No joy on the cleaning supplies, but she gave me several Hefty trash bags.  With a bit more luck, the restroom didn’t limit you to blow dryers, so I grabbed a thick stack of paper towels from the restroom, wet them, and head out to my car.

I’d brought a second pair of shoes along, so I changed into them and threw my poo-shoes into one of the trash bags and tied it tight.  Next, I started trying to wipe down my poor, brown clutch pedal, holding my breath while leaning into the footwell by the source, but it wasn’t doing much - the poo was sandy concrete.  Regathering my plan, I went back inside and bought two large bottles of water - one to drink, the other to sacrifice.  With a thick stack of paper towels across my footwell, I poured water on the clutch pedal to try and loosen the concrete poo, then scrubbing away with an even thicker stack of wetted paper towels.

After several trips in and out to refill the water bottle, blatantly steal an obscene amount of paper towels, and repeat this process of drenching and scrubbing, over the course of over an hour I finally got the clutch pedal’s stainless steel and rubber pads exposed and all traces of poo eliminated.  All traces except for the smell, at least.  The smell was mostly gone, except for what had permeated the cabin itself, and whatever was left on the floormat.  I disposed of all the paper towels in one of the Hefty bags, and threw the floormat in another, tightly tying it shut with the poo-shoe-bag inside, and threw those in the trunk, hoping the smell wouldn’t penetrate the bags, but it was so pungent I truly was worried the bags might not contain it.

After sanitizing my entire arms inside, I finally sat back down in my driver’s seat, pushed the clutch in, and started my car back up at almost 2AM - remember, I still have ~4hrs driving ahead of me at this point, when I’d expected to already be home for several hours by now.  Sniff test: Only a whiff of poo-crete every here and there; I’d gotten it good enough to drive the rest of the journey home.

So off I went again - I was pretty much the only car on the road the entire 250mi home, and I finally arrived home as the sky was beginning to lighten as the sun approached the horizon.  Before I finally got to get some sleep, Alyssa Facetimed me as she was waking up and had me say goodbye to Hennessy since I hadn’t been able to in person - since I was gone by time she got back, she didn’t know where’d I’d gone and was depressed and looking around for me constantly, since I’d become her best friend and sleeping buddy from day one.  This would actually continue for several weeks, and she was so depressed I was gone she stopped eating.  A few days later I literally had to Facetime the dog to tell her to eat, at which point she began eating again.  But now, to this very day, she will look at me on Facetime, and then snort, flipping her head away in a pout when she sees me, because she still feels betrayed I didn’t say goodbye in person - I am not making this up.  Look pup, I tried to, I wanted to, I even delayed my departure thinking you’d be home sooner - you’re still my pupper.

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Rachel and Andrew: Engaged

Rachel and Andrew are a fun couple that loves wine tasting, the outdoors, and their animals; two dogs and two horses.

Not so secretly I've been excited for this shoot for months... it was just a waiting game with Mother Nature.  Finally, after months of bitter cold, the DC area actually got a snowstorm perfect for Rachel and Andrew's snowy engagement session.

As an outgoing couple, naturally it was no surprise a snowball fight quickly broke out.

Even the dogs got in on the action!

While Rachel and Andrew have energy abound, things really got crazy when they brought their horses out to play in the snow.  First was Tori, who is a Section D Welsh Cob.

Next to join the fun was Anakin, Tori's energetic son.  Anakin is a mix of a Section D Welsh Cob and a Section B Welsh Mountain Pony.