
The official photo blog of J. David Buerk Photography.

Senior Savannah - Portraits in Virginia Horse Country

For the longest time horses have fascinated me, but I've never had the chance to go riding (yet).  So, each time I am near horses I am some combination of awestruck by their majestic nature and jealous of the people who get to ride them frequently.

Savannah takes that a step further, since she not only rides horses, but has several years of training under her belt so she may compete in equestrian show jumping and dressage events.  As we waited for a missing part of her riding uniform, Savannah showed me how she grooms and prepares her horse before a ride, and told me about what the high school is like these days - Savannah will be a Senior at my (high school) alma mater beginning this September, and is a member of the Class of 2017.

We didn't photograph any jumps because it was becoming too dark to safely perform any.

Aliena: Corsetry and More


Aliena is a stunning model, entering her senior year of college studying graphic design.  She began modeling as a child, and has continued to do so up through college.  Today she collects and models corsets, and has exceptional taste and class in wardrobe.  This shoot was especially fun not only because Aliena and I share an amazing artistic connection given our backgrounds, but also because I was photographing a beautiful woman modeling attire which I find outright breathtaking - I always have wished that corsets were more widely worn in our modern day; I think they are some of the most gorgeous garments a woman can wear, and I'm glad that there are still others who appreciate their sensual glamour.


Corsets of course aren't all we shot.  Aliena has a vast and classy wardrobe ranging from sweet to sultry.  Photos on the table started as as warm-up, but creatively became a story we fabricated about a girl mourning the death of her man.